Monday, August 17, 2015

Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, the Coward of Canyon Country, Ca

 If you are one of many ex-wives ( we are ate 11 plus and counting), numerous children, neighbors, co-workers or other betrayed family members. You can attest to this person's despicable actions, including scamming, lying, cheating, fake credentials, possible pedophilia, addiction to porn and other sexual perversity. Maybe you are the subject of a scam by one of his many shell companies? Or perhaps you have been threatened out of sight of others and then when he runs to his lawyers or his mommy he acts like a frail 68 year old man who plays dress up on the weekend and straps a six-shooter on like he is in the old west? I for one . am not intimidated by his childlike demeanor. I am the only one he is afraid of, the only one he cowers from, the only on he hides in the dark and snipes from the shadows of the internet. Apparently only his oldest son has the balls to tell him where to head in. Dana Lee Stern Sr is a coward of the First degree! If he took his shirt off you could see the big yellow streak down his back! That is right , I'm calling him a Yellow Coward, just like the crazy liberal , he is! I have had to re-post this all over the internet because apparently the coward is afraid of everyone finding out his secret!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Secret Agent Man? or Little boy in his own fantasy world? Dana Lee Stern Sr

The saga of Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, Dan Stern, AKA, Dana C Stern, AKA, Dana M. Stern, AKA, Bob Hemstead, just keeps getting creepier by the day. You would think his misdeeds and exploits would read like some sort of covert agents file , except it is all illusion and lies.It is hard to get his records from Ca because apparently they are sealed to public view unlike other states not to mention the frequent fake names and identities he has used over the years to avoid detection. Who has he betrayed or stabbed in the back? has he ever attempted extortion? How many of hi ex-wives did he stalk? How many times did he hire PIs to do his dirty work? For a man who spends a lot of time at the gun range and preparing for the end of the world and tthe enormous gun collection, you would never guess what a mommy's boy he really is! His 80 some odd year old mother still haas to hold his hand and get him out of trouble. The pictures of his travels around the world show him and his latest wife # ?, wonder who pays for that? Supposedly he is a retired writer, political analyst, even one site says he has a PHD.  What a life! If only any of it was the truth. the truth is something darker and sad. A little boy who wanted to be a Secret Agent Man , but never grew up. Maybe he has the Peter Pan Syndrome?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Truth, Justice, and the American Way: Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, Dana Lee Stern, AKA, Dan S...

Truth, Justice, and the American Way: Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, Dana Lee Stern, AKA, Dan S...: If yo are a victim of Dana Lee Stern Sr AKA Dana Lee Stern AKA Dan Stern, you are among a growing portion of the population that has the mis...

Truth, Justice, and the American Way: Dana Lee Stern Sr AKA Dana Lee Stern AKA Dan Stern...

Truth, Justice, and the American Way: Dana Lee Stern Sr AKA Dana Lee Stern AKA Dan Stern...: If yo are a victim of Dana Lee Stern Sr AKA Dana Lee Stern AKA Dan Stern, you are among a growing portion of the population that has the mis...

Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, Dana Lee Stern, AKA, Dan Stern, Bully, Womanizer, Serial Marriage Addict, Bigamist

If you are a victim of Dana Lee Stern Sr AKA Dana Lee Stern AKA Dan Stern,AKA, Bob Hemstead, AKA, Bob Smith you are among a growing portion of the population that has the misfortune to either be related to him, married to him at one time, or possibly a betrayed co-worker. Looking back at the ruin and destruction he has attempted on some and succeeded at with some, it is hard to fathom how he has escaped justice. One of his favorite tactics is hiding in the shadows and muttering under his breath so only his victims can hear. Another favorite tactic is lurking on the internet as a 'security' specialist in order to spend time 'burying anything negative that shows up by being a prolific writer and tooting his own horn to cover up his misdeeds that may come to light. Another favorite tactic is to blame his disabled son Dana Lee Stern Jr. for his misdeeds and slander him by saying it was 'him, not me'. That one only really works on the gullible and weak minded. Dana Stern has 2 listed residences. One in Canyon Country,Ca and the other in Las Vegas, Nevada. One Could be his regular home and the other his crash pad or possibly his stash pad for his sizable gun collection, many of which are now illegal in Ca. Dana Lee Stern Sr takes pride in being the 'Black Bart' of the old west on weekends, competing in the Single Action Shooter competitions. In court before judges in his many visits, he appears  and acts like an old frail man who can barely stand up due to some sort of ailment or two. In the light of day this slimy snake can't hide his true colors , but he has time and practice to hone his true art as a womanizer and serial marriage addict. The many women whose lives he has ruined and the children he has damaged can't be counted on both hands and feet. The numbers of co-workers he has betrayed the friends he sold out can't be imagined. Dana Lee Stern Sr is a sad excuse for a man. I will be continuing this blog as mire truth come\s to light and testimonies roll in from ex-friends, relatives, ex-wives, and even his children. Stay tuned.