Monday, August 17, 2015

Dana Lee Stern Sr, AKA, the Coward of Canyon Country, Ca

 If you are one of many ex-wives ( we are ate 11 plus and counting), numerous children, neighbors, co-workers or other betrayed family members. You can attest to this person's despicable actions, including scamming, lying, cheating, fake credentials, possible pedophilia, addiction to porn and other sexual perversity. Maybe you are the subject of a scam by one of his many shell companies? Or perhaps you have been threatened out of sight of others and then when he runs to his lawyers or his mommy he acts like a frail 68 year old man who plays dress up on the weekend and straps a six-shooter on like he is in the old west? I for one . am not intimidated by his childlike demeanor. I am the only one he is afraid of, the only one he cowers from, the only on he hides in the dark and snipes from the shadows of the internet. Apparently only his oldest son has the balls to tell him where to head in. Dana Lee Stern Sr is a coward of the First degree! If he took his shirt off you could see the big yellow streak down his back! That is right , I'm calling him a Yellow Coward, just like the crazy liberal , he is! I have had to re-post this all over the internet because apparently the coward is afraid of everyone finding out his secret!

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